No Knucklehead Policy

At Legends, we take pride in fostering a supportive, friendly, and family-oriented environment for all our members. To maintain this positive atmosphere, we have established a “No Knucklehead Policy” that outlines our expectations and guidelines for behavior within the gym. This policy is designed to ensure that everyone feels welcome, respected, and safe while pursuing their fitness goals.
Our Values
At Legends, we value respect, inclusivity, and positivity. We believe in creating a space where individuals of all backgrounds and abilities can thrive and feel a sense of belonging.

Our goal is to build a community that supports and uplifts each other, both inside and outside the gym.
Expectations and Guidelines
To uphold our values and maintain a harmonious environment, we expect all members to adhere to the following guidelines:
Respect for Others: Treat everyone with respect, kindness, and consideration. Discriminatory or derogatory behavior towards any individual or group will not be tolerated.
Positive Attitude: Approach each workout and interaction with a positive and supportive mindset. Encourage and motivate your fellow members to reach their fitness goals.
Inclusive Environment: Embrace and celebrate our community. Avoid language or actions that could make others feel unwelcome or uncomfortable.
Safety First: Prioritize the safety and well-being of yourself and others. Follow gym rules and safety guidelines at all times.

Cleanliness and Maintenance: Help us keep the gym clean and well-maintained by following cleanliness guidelines and promptly reporting any maintenance issues.
Conflict Resolution: Address any concerns or conflicts in a respectful and constructive manner. Seek assistance from gym staff if necessary.
Enforcement and Consequences
We take our “No Knucklehead Policy” seriously and will enforce it consistently. Members who violate the policy may face consequences, including warnings, suspension, or termination of membership, depending on the severity of the behavior.
Your Role
As a member of Legends, you play a crucial role in upholding the “No Knucklehead Policy.” By embracing our values and following the guidelines, you contribute to creating a welcoming and positive environment for everyone.
We appreciate your cooperation in making our gym a place where everyone feels supported, respected, and part of our fitness family.

Thank you for being a part of our community.


Pasquale Piscitelli
Owner, Head Coach, & Sensei